Edge Feathering/TSI
Iowa CRP Management provides edge feathering as well. Edge feathering will help to improve woody cover along the outside edges of grass fields and along woody draws. Edge feathering is a good substitute for planting shrubs around the edges of grass fields. Mature trees and hedgerows along the edges of fields should be cut down and left along the edge of the field.
Edge Feathering involves cutting trees that are adjacent to a field area, thus creating a well-protected “soft” edge that will allow upland birds, songbirds, and other wildlife species to maneuver along the edge with a lower instance of preying, especially from vermin. Iowa CRP Management’s goal is to create a transitional zone between from the more mature woodland and the early successional upland fields. This is accomplished by edge feathering the over-story of trees along the edge, approximately 30-50 feet deep, thus providing sheltering opportunities, especially as the annual weeds and perennial plants grow up alongside with the woody vegetation. Promoting additional protection and thermal cover by leaving brush piles, conifer cover, and native trees and shrubs that have significant benefits to wildlife. Tree Clearing, which Iowa CRP Management should be scheduled from October through April.